Top Criminal Defense Attorneys - What You Need To Know

Top Criminal Defense Attorneys - What You Need to Know

By Stephen G. Cobb, Board Certified Criminal Trial Law Specialist

When someone you love has been arrested and charged with a crime, the stakes are so serious you want the best law criminal defense firm you can find. There is just one problem with this: Google has designed search to benefit Google, not you. Not your case or the criminal charges against a family member. As a result, you are suckered into believing things that are not true and this will damage your ability to find the best legal guidance.

The reason your search is so difficult? Google reviews.

Google Reviews The Florida Bar specialization requirements

Random reviews from anyone

Random reviews from anyone not considered

No requirement

Reviews from courtroom opponents

No requirement

Reviews from local lawyers

No requirement

Two days of testing

No requirement

Actual trial experience with serious/complex cases

No requirement

Review of any and all Bar grievances

Let's take a look at how this sets your legal fee on fire and increases the risk of getting subpar legal services.

Random Reviews

The Florida Bar doesn't accept random reviews for the same reason random, anonymous tips cannot be used to stop and search a driver: unreliability.

If someone suspects another driver is driving under the influence, 911 may called. The 911 system will record the number and the operator will ask for the caller's identity. If the call is anonymous, then any stop, search and seizure evidence will be inadmissible because of the risk that the anonymous tip is being used as a form of harassment against another person rather than to report a crime. Would your ex make an anonymous false call? How about someone you have sued? What about for political or personal reasons?

Yet Google does not care that you get the best criminal case legal representation. Google cares that criminal defense law firms and lawyers spend around $1,200 per each client with online advertising. Worse, an absence of constantly increasing Google reviews will cause the law firm to spend more money on marketing. As a result, the constant financial drain from Google is required or a customer facing law firm's revenue stream can be destroyed. To put it bluntly the search ad server is all about shaking every nickel out of eevryone's pockets rather than helping you get the best legal help.

Criminal Trial Law Board Certification: the real review

Only a fraction of 1% of Florida lawyers are actual criminal trial or appellate law specialists. Why? The Florida Bar is more concerned with professionalism than lining billionaire's pockets. As you can see above, becoming a criminal law specialist is extremely hard. In the next article for this series, we will begin exploring what each of the requirements for specialization mean for you and your loved ones.

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