Top Criminal Defense Attorneys - How to Handle Stress

Top Criminal Defense Attorneys - How to Handle Stress

By Stephen G. Cobb, Board Certified Criminal Trial Law Specialist

No one with two connected brain cells wakes up in the morning and says to themself: “I hope to get arrested today!” Yet it happens, and the emotional impact can be devastating for several reasons:

  1. The Okaloosa and Walton County police are not just allowed to lie to you, they are trained to lie to you. This manipulation flies into the very face of everything Americans were taught: the “police are your friend”. This discovery often destroys decades of trust in the police and by extension, the political predators who write our laws in government.
  2. The criminal justice system is designed to prevent true justice. Instead, political predators have created a system where someone gets convicted for a DUI or BUI yet the business owner who liquored them up and aimed them on an unsuspecting public suffers no consequence. This is deliberate and unfair: in any other case, the person and company providing the drugs would get more serious charges. In DUI and BUI cases, they have a special privilege from prosecution after liquor in someone up and causing injury and death.
  3. The prosecutor uses fear techniques such as delay, threats and uncertainty. Their goal with these fear tactics? They want you to fight with your legal team. They want you to believe that your legal team “isn't doing anything” when they caused the delays that prevent effective work by using Criminal Procedure and Justice Administration time limits.
  4. Manufactured crimes: there are two types of crimes. First, there are real crimes such as battery, murder, theft, fraud, assault, robbery, burglary and more that have been recognized in English common law for hundreds if not thousands of years. However, in Florida, political predators meet for 60 days a year in order to manufacture pseudo-crimes such as possession or cultivation of marijuana, crimes that were specially created since they have no common law legal history.
  5. 5) You have right to a legally fair trial, not an actually fair trial. The criminal justice system is rigged by political predators against you.

When you put all of these things together, it is stressful and depressing. To be blunt about it, you or someone you love is in danger of being horrifically abused. This is terrifying.

So, what do you do if you or someone you love is being violently attacked by the government of the State of Florida?

You read and listen to personal development audio programs and books. This is essential.

Is this a cure all? Of course, not. However, one of the biggest failure paths of all time is hoping that conversations with your legal team will make you feel better. They will not. We point out every legal landmine in the criminal justice system. So, hoping your criminal defense specialist will make you feel better is an ineffective strategy.

Worse, the mindset of “I'll feel better when this is all over with” is the best way you can achieve maximum sentencing. The constant worry creates so much stress that people have killed themselves… or their lawyers, people trying to help them.

Think about this clearly. Do you want a lawyer in court who will be calm cool and collected after a major hearing or before when it matters most? You want your defense team to be a mental 10 before arguing on your behalf because after is too late.

The same is true for you: how you dress, look, sound and behave in court will have a major impact. If you are stressed out on the stand in a pretrial hearing, your testimony won't be considered as reliable or important because you are broadcasting how much you are freaking out inside. You won't have to say a word. The sound of your voice will be off or your facial expressions will not be under control, etc.

For this reason, we will send a FREE electronic book to help you deal with stress before we speak for the first time. You will also receive very specific, scientifically designed, Dress Instructions for Court. Take both seriously.

During your case, you will need to listen and read on a daily basis. Your brain will want to scream from the stress and you must deal with it effectively. If you do not, you can get burned in court by simply having the wrong look on your face or the wrong color clothes.

Defense in Okaloosa, Walton and all of Florida. Contact us today.